
Monday, September 8, 2008

I am Canadian!

Read (text below) view or listen ( to the Joe Canadian Molson rant (text below), and some other spoofs.
How do you define being Canadian? Add your own comment to this post with your thoughts on what it means to be Canadian. Create your own Rant about what it is to be Canadian.
Remember to include your initials and the period of your socials class.


I'm not a lumberjack, or a Fur trader.
I don't live in an igloo,
or eat blubber
or own a dogsled.
And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really, really nice.

I have a prime minister... not a president,
I speak English and French, not American
and I pronounce it About, not A-boot.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack,
I believe in peacekeeping, not policing,
diversity not assimilation,
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.

A toque is a hat,
a chesterfield is a couch,
and it is pronounced Zed,
not Zee... ZED!!
Canada is the 2nd largest land mass,
the 1st nation of hockey,
and the best part of North America.

My name is Joe...
And I am Canadian!


Anonymous said...

Hey I am Canadian!

Anonymous said...

I am the first one. :)

The question here before us is, how would you define being Canadian? If you were to ask the average American, they would assume that we just drink beer, eat Tim Hortons, live in igloos, and play hockey all the time. We, as Canadians, can all agree that this is not true.

I believe being a Canadian is about being what ever you want to be, because you are open to express your thoughts and opinions. Other countries do not allow freedom of speech. There is the United States, who try to wave their flag as much as they like, and shove that "Uncle Sam" image in people's faces. This is not right, and Canada should not follow suit with the ways of the USA.

Canada is a nation with incredible diversity and size, and we should all be proud to live in a nation with such a great sense of justice and equality. We are one of very few countries where we can get health care for free, and where we can follow any religion that we believe in. Canada earned many of these freedoms through hardships such as the world wars. After fighting hard with the Allied forces in the wars, and becoming a leading nation in peacekeeping, Canada has earned a great deal of respect in the global community. This is something that many Canadians are proud of.

To sum up, being Canadian is about being free. Being free, in this case, means being who you want to be. You can follow any religion that you want, get health care when you need it, and have the freedom to express your thoughts and opinions. The people of Canada are proud to live in such a great country. In the beginning of the 20th century, Canada was a new country that had not faced the challenges of being a nation. During those fateful 100 years, Canada grew to its full size, fought multiple wars, and showed the global community that Canada is a force to be reckoned with. At the turn of the 21st century, we were a nation that was proud, strong, and free.

"The True North strong and free!"

Anonymous said...

Michael Elder

Anonymous said...

BEING CANADIAN! what it means to me
1) can walk ten feet from my house and get killed by moose
2) can walk five feet to fridge and eat moose jerky
3) Don't ask friends what they are doing at lunch i just meet them at timmies
4) My closest neighbour is the beaver in the dam down the road
5) I have a fireplace
6) I know that Iraq and Iran are TWO countries!
7) I say eh not huh?
8) I get to go boating once a year and skating the rest
9) I might eat lots of things I don't ask what's in the jerky and they don't tell me it's better that way
10) Moving out is as simple as making a igloo moving in is as simple as bringing a pack of beer

block A
nuff said

Anonymous said...

I think being Canadian is being unique. Almost everyone in Canada is different, there's no two people the same. The difference between us is what makes Canada Canada. Most people move to Canada rather than the U.S. because of that fact. That we're free to do pretty much whatever we want to do. We can pray to whoever we want, listen to whatever we want, be whoever we want to be without having to worry about being discriminated or killed because of it. Most countries don't have that. Canada doesn't force us to do anything, we have choices that most countries don't have. First and foremost, we have the choice of being in the military. I'm pretty sure that in the U.S. people are forced to go to war even if they don't want to. Canada doesn't do that. At least as far as I know. We have choices. We're not all the same. We're unique and that's something that often we take for granted. We don't realize the choices we have and the freedom we have until it's taken away from us. But we have TONS of it. It's almost endless and often we don't even realize just how big it is.

But anyways, I think that's what makes a Canadian Canadian, the freedom to do pretty much whatever they want. So I think that a Canadian can be best defined as freedom.

That's why Canada is the BEST PART OF NORTH AMERICA!!! =)

-- PD [Block A]

Anonymous said...

To be canadian is to be the peace keepers of the world. Canadians tend to drink alot of beer, and ya even some have the habit of saying, "Eh" After every sentence eh! but most importantly To be canadian means to be unbiased.It doesn't mean to live in an igloo or even live in the wilderness for that matter, to believe this would probably mean you're an ignorant American. "Oh right unbiased!" But seriously Canada is a place of vast cultures and religion, and is very respectful and curdious to each and every person. Plus the hockey here is great so ya, thats good!


Block A

Anonymous said...

Being Canadian to me is living in Canada, but Canada as a nation means a lot more.

It means to me that we are free to express ourselves without fear of being discriminated against for our thoughts and views. Also, we are such a diverse nation with regards to religion, ethnicity, cultures, sexuality, gender. Not only that, but we are respectful towards people who are different from us. Not being killed or threatened after we exit a church or mosque or anything along those lines is really unique. Also, women are almost equals with men and aren't seen as housewives or being of the weaker sex. A huge thing for me is that gay marriage is legal- most people should know who this is by now. Even in the states it isn't a nation wide thing and in most other countries it is illegal to be gay or bi.

It is really cool when you drive anywhere in this country and you can always find so much nature that is worthy of beign called living art. Like, it is so pure and untainted that it sometimes seems surreal.

Either than that, I love how everybody doesn't always agree, but we do agree that none of us want to be anything like the US.

And by the way, timmies does rock!


Marc Burns said...

Personally, I see no benefit in being Canadian when compared to being a member of any other nation. In their very nature, all nations have one trait in common: They divide us, keeping citizens in and aliens out. With the current state of the world, how are we as Canadians supposed to provide support for developing nations and aid for crises when we can not even open our doors? To be Canadian, American, German, Russian, or any other nationality simply labels you as the property of your nation. Although one may feel 'proud' of this label, pride is an ethereal feeling, irrelevant to international progress and goodwill. In the tradition of Comintern and the other internationals, we mush "fight by all available means ... for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the State." Before we try to describe and stereotype this area of land in North America, before we separate our country from others, let us try to embrace every country as we have embraced our own in the past. A border between two countries is a glorified cage, and only once we have dissolved the state may we escape this cage, and call ourselves truly free.

--Marc Burns, first block.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Canada is best known for playing tough hockey, but what not many people know is how much we contribute to the world's society. Canada has not only played a major part in most of the worlds major wars, peacekeeping, but it is also one of the worlds largest exporters of raw materials such as lumber, copper, diamonds, oil etc. Without Canada the worlds economy would be far worse than it is right now. So to me being Canadian does not just mean being strong, free, and peaceful but it also means being proud to know that without us many other great nations wouldn't have become what they are today. being Canadian also means to be generous because we all know that Canadians should be getting the cheaper gas prices, not the Americans because we have a bigger oil industry and less vehicles polluting the air.

Block A

Anonymous said...

Well I personally think this thing is weird, but I guess it's for marks so I better give it all I've got, eh? Haha though i'd throw that in there.
So When I say I'm Canadian, I say it with so much pride, I could probably put any other nationalist to shame. Canada is my home, It is all I have know, and all I want to know. I've grown up here and sure as heck want to grow old here.
But why do we all stay in this incredibly cold, vast country? Because it is one of the few places on earth where we can be free. We can say almost any thought on our mind out loud and not have to worry about getting assassinated. It's a place where you have to drive two hours to get to the next 'city' not two minutes. Where we have communities, not just random buildings bunched together. People in Canada care about their neighbours, and our environment. My personal motto is, "Go green or go home."
So if anyone from Europe, America, Asia or any other place on Earth asks me why I'm so polite or why I love timmies, or even why I say 'eh' so much, I will answer them with an overwhelming pride by saying,


peace out.

Anonymous said...

Being Canadian is to be free.
You are free to have your own thoughts, your own beliefs, your own religion. You have the freedom of speech and the priviledge of choice and are encouraged to be unique.
Then there are the stereotypes. No, we don't live in igloos, yes, we have grade nine, no, every other word out of our mouths is NOT eh, yes, some of us like hockey and yes, we do know how to say please and thank you. It takes a maximum of three seconds of your life to say these simple words.
Canada is about respect, equality, identity, and the ability to be able to be whatever you want to be.
Block A

Anonymous said...

Things I think of when I think Canadian:
-A HUGE country with many many opportunities to do great things.
-Friendly people that try to help everyone.
-Awesome different colored money
-Timmys and timbits
-Tough hockey league
-The ability to make so many choices
-Snow, Ice, and more snow!
-Not asking what's in the meat...
And finally, Last but certainly not least
-Maple Syrup!
That is being Canadian to me.

Block A

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, there is no true way to define being Canadian. Anyone can act like us, or do things we do, so does that make them Canadian? Being Canadian means living here in Canada, being proud of our country and our efforts, but anyone can do that, whether they're from our country or not.

Anonymous said...

MK, Block A

(yes I forgot it, so what?)

Anonymous said...

I define being a Canadian as being free to do what we please, within reason, of course. We love our Tim Hortons, hockey, and snow, but I have yet to see someone living in an igloo.
We have equal opportunity in Canada for boys and girls to be educated, something that some other countries don't have. People have a right to fair trial. I am proud of my country for this.
The biggest thing that makes us Canadian?
No, it's not our love of sports, our maple products, our climate, or even the infamous saying "eh". It is the one thing that unites us all: We are not Americans!
Block A

Anonymous said...

Beer drinking, hockey playing, moose hunting, fur hat wearing people is what some people first think when they here canadians but there is way more to Canada then what you see on the movies. Canadians have any kind of people from aboriginal people who first inhabited the land to east indian and oriental people. I think all canadians no matter what color or race love being canadians and can be proud about it. In hockey which is not even our national sport we have not won a stanley cup since 1993. So next time you here Canada think diversity, freedom, and a stellar national hockey team. Anyways enough talking ABOOT Canada.
Take off eh you hoser

Anonymous said...

To be Canadian to have endless opportunities that other countries don't have the chance to experience. So many Canadians take for granted the freedom and diversity we actually have in this country. We have freedom of speech, freedom to believe what you want, and freedom to be yourself, the most important of them all in my opinion. We have such diverse nations and cultures too.
Canada is my home and I love living here. Everything about it is amazing; the mountains, the rivers and just the scenery in general. Driving from Prince George to anywhere in this country is a beautiful drive and because of it I don't even mind how long it can take somtimes!
This is why Canada is the place to be!

Block A

Anonymous said...

There are many sorts of things that people from other countries define Canandians. I believe that being a Canadian is very lucky. Most of those people around the world define Canadians as polite and peace makers. People also think that Canadians love to play sports like as hockey, eat Tim Hortons, and hunt. Also, Canada is a country that is able to accept many cultures from all around the world, and have more freedom;and that is why so many people are wanting to move to Canada.

A.C/Block A

Anonymous said...

Being Canadian to me is not just being a resident of Canada. It's accepting and understanding various cultures,and people who have different skin colors and speak other languages.

Canada is a mixture of all the nations. Aboriginal people take only small percentage of the whole population. Nowadays, the aboriginal people are getting fewer and fewer, and in the big cities like Vancouver or Toronto it's difficult to find them. The cities are full of different looking people such as Asian,European,African and etc. Especially, in Vancouver there are 40percent of non-white people right now(I read it on the Internet news). Many people come into Canada, today!

In my opinion, not only people who love hockey and Timmy are Canadians but also who immigrant to Canada yesterday are Canadians. Being a Canadian is a life full of variety!

*EK, Block A

Anonymous said...

I am a Canadian and I clearly do not define myself with some of the regular sterotypes of our Canadian culture. To me, those sterotypes are the imaginations of the Americans clearly talking and putting into our minds via media and other sources. To me being a Canadian is feeling quite free. We are strong although small and have not been conquered yet, which means something. We talk then use our brute force. I say we raise our flags high and be proud to be in this country. We also accept mostly any race into our country. Canada is also quite known for the most part a well loved country. You don't see any terrorism much here, only USA. I say a Canadian is whoever you want it to be.... you just got to choose to be yourself and don't follow the stereotypes.

((Rawr rawr I am a Liger! Initials: T.M.))

Anonymous said...

Canada to me is....

1. Fishing
2. Snowmobiling
3. saying Get er Done
4. trying to estimate distance
4. trees
5. One too many time zones
6. crap army
7. the French
8. hockey
9. Steve Nash
10. Joe Sakic
11. the maple leaf
12. spelling colour with a u
13. beer
14. saying EH

This is why Canada is FTW
Dominator :D

Anonymous said...

To me being Canadian is to have freedom.
We can say, and do what we want.
We can live and travel where we want.
Canadians to me come across as generous and accepting. We have so many different races in our country its like we're everyones country in a way. It's the second largest, but by far the most beautiful and diverse country in the world.

Anonymous said...

I see Canada as a free nation that is diverse as it is huge. Canadians aren't seen as a race so much as they are seen as citizens of Canada. What I mean is that we treat Chinese people like they are a race, and Indian people like they are a race, but Canada is seen as a mosaic of a nation. Some countries are known for being affiliated with a certain religion, such as Israel and Judaism, or Saudi Arabia and Islam. I am proud of being in a country that consists of a very mixed bag of origins that all coexist. The amount of peace we see among them is what we should see worldwide. I think we are able to survive well together because whatever Canadians share as a whole are matters unrelated to religion or other conflicting beliefs. We share appreciation for things such as the winter, hockey, and Tim Hortons. I think that nations that do not have our freedoms need to lose some unfair influences in their government, such as religion, race, or prejudice. Canada has shown itself as a neutral and accepting country, of which I am truly proud.

Jordan Elder, Block A

Anonymous said...

Everyone keeps talking about the freedom of Canada, I totally agree with it, I think our freedom and diversity is great! Something i don't really think of is the stereotypical Canadian; the beer drinker, the hunter, the one who lives in an igloo. When i hear Canadian i think friends and family, kind peace keepers. I love my country! We may not have much of a history but we sure have a geography!

Anonymous said...

I think to be Canadian means to show that we accept people of all races, religions, and backgrounds. We are who we are, and we're proud of that fact. Being a Canadian means that some of the best entertainers come from here, such as Jim Carrey (he's the best!), Mike Myers, Nelly Furtado, Brian Adams and so on. Being a Canadian doesn't include being obsessed with hockey, (although some of us may be haha), and it doesn't mean we live in igloos and have no electricity (like the Americans think). I personally like being a Canadian because we have freedom to do whatever we like (well, almost everything) and we don't have to be afraid of what the government will say and how they will punish us. Canada has many different races occupying its beautiful landscape, and that is truly amazing that so many different people can get along (for the most part at least). So many different sceneries occupy Canada that it's amazing that it's all in one country. Although Canada's reality shows like Canadian Idol can't really measure up to America's American Idol, or America's Got Talent, Canada is still pretty good in a way. We can go skiing practically in our backyard, and although winters may be quite long (especially in Prince George), you have to admit that they are beautiful, with the sun reflecting of the ice and snow and icicles.
Even though I am 100% European, and am only a Canadian by my birth certificate, I like being a Canadian.
But even though we are focusing so much on Canada, I think we should open our eyes to all the different countries and the different races, and I'm sure that we'll also find that even though oceans may separate us, we still have the same feelings for many things. And this also includes the U.S. Even though everyone thinks of Americans as being dense in the stupid kind of way (which is totally a stereotype), I'm sure there's at least ONE person who actually has common sense and thinks in a rational way down south. Haha I think that this is all i have to say about being a Canadian.

*Pauli H. <3*
Block A

Anonymous said...

I believe that being Canadian is the best thing to be! What other country is blessed with such diversity and opportunity as Canada? We really do take for granted how lucky we are to have the freedom and rights that we have. We can choose who we want to love, who we want to pray to, who we want to run our country, and who we want to be. All these choices and so many more are ours to make. Everyone has the right to proper health care and education and no one is denied these rights due to religion or nationality. I am proud that Canada has become such a vast and multi cultural nation and that we continue to grow and succeed. I may not drive a snowmobile and i cant say I've ever slept in an igloo but i do like my Timmie's and I'm so happy and proud to be Canadian.

Anonymous said...

Canada is a great country. There is lots of space, fairly good people, and most people accept everyone else’s life style or nationality. However not everyone is a very nice person and not everyone accepts others’ beliefs. Most people compare Canada to the USA, but really you can’t do that, there is 33.4 million people in Canada and 305.1 million people in the USA. And most people say that the USA is dumber than Canada, when sadly that’s not true on average the USA is 1 IQ point more than Canada. When people say that Americans can’t point themselves out on a map you have to realize if lets say 5/6 of the Americans can’t point themselves out on a map there are still more people in the USA that can than there is people in Canada. If you are going to compare Canada to something compare it to Algeria but no one will do that because Algeria is all the way in Africa. To be Canadian is to be proud of how great our country is and not how much better our country is. I think that to build a great country you must destroy the ruins of the old country first.

JK (no im not just kidding)